Breed Traits
Genetically dominate (homozygous) traits of Irish Black Cattle:
1. Dark Hides:
~ black or occasionally red
(a recessive red gene trait)
2. Moderate Framed:
~ cows 1050-1250 lbs.,
~ bulls 1650-2100 lbs.
3. Light Birth Weights:
~ calves have averaged 72 lbs.
4. Vigorous Calves:
~ improved calf survival ratios
5. High Fertility:
~ 50-70 cows per single Irish bull
~ heifers cycle/breed well
6. Early Maturity:
~ calves finish by 14 months old,
see Feedlot Report
7. High Weight Gain:
~ 3.95 ADG
June 2012 Feedlot Results
8. Efficiency:
~ 4.79 conversion rate
9. Excellent Rib Eye Area Scores:
10. High Tenderness
11. High Marbling Scores:
12. Low Back Fat Scores:
13. Top Yield Grade Scores:
14. High Carcass Weights:
~ excellent ADG/conversions
~ fast finishing.
15. Premium Carcass Performance:
~ tasty and tender.
16. Longevity of Production:
~ bulls will perform to
eight plus years old
17. Large Scrotal Measurements:
22 month old bull = 39cm.
18. Shorter Gestation Period: 277 days.
19. Calving Ease/Maternal Instincts:
~ Excellent replacements
20. High Milk Production
21. Excellent Mothering Traits
22. Small Finger Length Teats
and no pendulous udders.
23. Penis/Sheath:
~ does not hang down and drag
24. No Brisket Problems:
~ altitude tested
genetic performance
25. Good Minded Cattle:
~ easy to handle and sort
~ no head-hunters
26. Ranging Cattle:
~ cattle take care of themselves
~ cows go find the best grasses
~ calves jump up & want to suck
High Fertility
Large Scrotal Measurements
High Fertility
Calving Ease
Maternal Instincts
High Milk Production
Smaller Teats
Docile, but protective
Light Birth Weights
Early Maturity
High Weight Gain
Cattlemen accustomed to utilizing Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) may wonder why they aren’t available for Irish Blacks and Irish Reds.
The answer is simple — this small, focused genetic pool of Irish Black and Irish Red cattle doesn’t have the sheer numbers required to have an EPD database. However, the Irish Black Cattle Association (IBCA) represents seedstock producers and 3,000+ registered cattle, which provides the infrastructure and support to collect, record and preserve the pedigrees of Irish Black and Irish Red cattle – and protect the genetic integrity of the entire breed.
Deb Brown, Long Pines Land and Livestock owner and current IBCA president, explains, “The Irish Black and Irish Red breed is the only trademarked breed in the U.S., and the fact that it was developed in the U.S. by American cattle rancher Maurice Boney is even better. Today, our association oversees the registration of Irish Black cattle. Each animal must be DNA-verifiable as a pureblood. This gives buyers confidence that they are truly buying Irish Black and Irish Red cattle.”
What makes Irish Black and Irish Red cattle so special and unique is the tightly controlled and closed gene pool that offers consistency in performance to meet the demands of commercial cattlemen while also exceeding the expectations of consumers seeking a great beef-eating experience.